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Inclusion: Build Empathy

Course Name
Target Audience

First-Level Leader, Mid-Level Leader

Skill Focus

Diversity & Inclusion

You will:
Experience firsthand what it feels like to be excluded at work through an immersive simulation.
Recognize the impact an inclusive workplace can have on an organization�s ability to achieve goals.
Embrace the role of a leader in creating an inclusive work environment.
Increase commitment to model and support behaviors that create a more inclusive workplace.

Length of Course

Related Micro-Courses

Building an Inclusive Culture
Valuing Differences
Unconscious Bias: Awareness into Action
Managing a Multi-Generational Team
Authenticity and Transparency
Building Relationships
Handling Emotion and Upset
Interaction Skills Simulation
Is Empathy Boss? Microgame
Leveraging Diversity
Resolve to Involve Microgame

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