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Communicating for Leadership Success

Course Name
Target Audience

First-Level Leader, Aspiring / Emerging Leader

Skill Focus


You will learn to:
Recognize people�s personal and practical needs and the importance of responding to those needs as a leader who sparks action in others.
Use the Interaction Essentials �Key Principles and Interaction Guidelines to enhance your communication with your team members and others.
Prepare to conduct effective interactions by using a Discussion Planner. Employ a technique�STAR�to provide meaningful, supportive feedback.
Applying these concepts/skills will enable you to:
Enhance your performance as a leader who achieves results through others as you build stronger relationships with your team and others.
Realize business benefits as well as benefits to you as a leader from anticipating and meeting the personal and practical needs of those with whom you interact.
Plan for interactions more successfully�in person and virtually�so that the efforts of you and your team are increasingly focused, efficient, and effective.
Enrich the feedback that you provide to others.

Length of Course

Related Micro-Courses

Authenticity and Transparency
Building Relationships
Building Trust in Your Work Environment
Feedback Skills Simulation
Giving Feedback for Improvement
Giving Positive Feedback
Handling Emotion and Upset
Interaction Skills Simulation
Interaction Skills Challenge
Is Empathy Boss? Microgame
Resolve to Involve Microgame

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