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Addressing Poor Performance

Course Name
Target Audience

First-Level Leader

Skill Focus


You will learn to:
Recognize what makes performance problem discussions difficult for both the leader and employee.
Document and leverage performance data to present a solid case for needed improvement.
Use essential interaction skills, balancing seeking with telling, to meet personal and practical needs during performance problem discussions.
Identify the steps you need to take after the performance problem discussion to document agreements, provide ongoing feedback and support, and determine if it is necessary to impose formal consequences.
Applying these concepts/skills will enable you to:
Effectively address poor performance in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.
Minimize the impact of chronic performance problems on people, productivity, and profitability.
Provide problem performers with a clear understanding of what they must do to improve and the consequences of failing to do so.
Encourage people to take ownership of and be accountable for improving their work performance.

Length of Course

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Feedback Skills Simulation
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